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How Investing In Tesla is Investing In Healthcare

Life-saving supplies are in high demand during this global pandemic and ventilators can be the difference between life and death for a patient! Tesla CEO Elon Musk, true to his philanthropic-style, has stepped forward and offered the company’s vast resources in this urgent time of need.

Key Points

Elon Musk donated over 1,000 ventilators to LA mid-March

Tesla commits to use its facilities to produce ventilators

Tesla released a video of prototypes in action

Musk tweeted that while working with Tesla’s China team and various customs authorities, he was able to purchase an oversupply of FDA approved ventilators. He quickly delivered 1,255 ventilators to LA hospitals for immediate use. Despite this initial effort, the countrywide demand is far greater. For example, New York City recently declared their need for thousands of ventilators in the coming weeks. In response, Tesla has mobilized its New York factory in order to help.

Innovation in Action

As if they weren’t already busy enough, Tesla’s innovative and versatile engineers are working to make ventilators out of car parts in order to save supplies for the medical industry. Their latest prototype is made from suspension systems and a Model 3 touchscreen. They even produced a training video demonstrating how the machine pushes oxygen into a patient’s lungs, allowing it to breathe for them. Furthermore, Tesla already has a large supply of the necessary materials to rapidly produce ventilators in large quantities.

Even with all this help from Musk and Tesla, there is still much work to be done. The FDA will begin accelerating the approval process, but the reality is that other manufacturers will be starting from scratch and will need much more time to ramp up production. Tesla promises, “We’re giving it our best effort to make sure we can help some people out there.” From the company’s engineers to the CEO himself, Tesla is doing everything they can to help flatten the curve during this COVID-19 pandemic and save lives.

Are you interested in the same innovative, life-saving values that Tesla and other companies promote? ‘Demand Vaccine’ is a portfolio centered around companies going above and beyond to flatten the coronavirus curve – including Tesla. Schedule a video conference with one of our advisors for a financial planning consultation.


This report is a publication of Demand Wealth. Information presented is believed to be factual and up to date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change

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